Free access to educational services for Syrian refugees in Lebanon
Academic Year: 2024 - 2025
Started: September 24
Ending: August 31
Project Description
The project focuses on delivering primary, secondary, and vocational education, while also exploring ways to enhance access to higher education options for the most vulnerable Syrian refugees residing in Lebanon.
Project Mission
Provision of holistic high-quality education along with skill development for vulnerable Syrian refugees in Lebanon to enhance their living standards.
Project Goal
To enhance the quality of life for Syrian boys and girls in Lebanon.
To promote learning in primary, secondary, university, and vocational institutions.
To offer assistance and care services.
To foster opportunities for employment creation.
To advocate for chances to generate income.
Project Objectives
Free access to primary, secondary, university, and vocational education.
Distribution of complimentary educational and additional learning resources.
Reducing the participation of at-risk young boys and girls in early and forced marriages, child domestic labor, and other unethical practices.
Enhancing capabilities for generating jobs and fostering income.
Fostering a more inclusive, mindful, and innovative community with equal rights and opportunities for everyone.
Target Group
The primary focus is on the most at-risk and disadvantaged Syrian youth in the Bekaa region of East Lebanon. Initially, the program will directly assist 1,304 Syrian refugee students aged 6 to 18, affected by the Syrian crisis and living legally in Lebanon.
Geographical Coverage
The program covers Syrian youth from all over Bekaa Governorate in Lebanon.
Expected Outcome
1,230 Syrian boys and girls have free access to Primary and Intermediate Lebanese Curriculum Education (Grades 1 to 7).
25 Syrian boys and girls have access to Intermediate Syrian Curriculum Education (Grade 9).
- 25 Syrian boys and girls have free access to Secondary Syrian Curriculum Education (Grade 12).
24 Syrian males and females have access to vocational and university studies.
72 Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian youth employed.
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